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A fun family dice game. Players roll one die and add to their total. Points are lost if a 1 is rolled. Save your points by holding. First to 100 wins.



Goal: Avoid rolling 1's and be the first to score 100.

Play: Any number of players can play, gameplay is best for 3-5 players. One die and a notepad is required. One player begins and play continues clockwise. 

Player begins by rolling the die.

  • If the player rolls a 1, they score nothing and their turn ends.
  • If the player rolls any number other than a 1, the points are added to their turns total.

A player can continue to roll as long as they are receiving points and do not roll a 1. A player should announce their accumulated score during their turn. A players turn ends one of two ways.

  • A player can hold before they roll a 1. Record the players accumulated score on a notepad. These points are now safe for the rest of the game.
  • A player rolls a 1. They lose their turn and the accumulated points for that turn are lost.

Records all scores to the notepad and keep a running total. The first player to reach a total of 100 is the winner.


Since it is advantageous to be the first player in this game, as you will one turn ahead of the other players, it can be played that once a player reaches 100 or more, the other players can finish out the current round.  If more than one player reaches 100 in a round, the player with the most points win. This will make for more exciting finishes to the game.