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Liar's Dice

Each player starts with five dice and a dice cup. Players can only see their hands but make claims on the total number of dice in play.

Liar's Dice


Goal: Make correct guesses about all the dice in play and be the last player remaining in the game.

Play: Two or more players.  Each player starts with five dice and dice cup. 

This game is played in rounds.  At the beginning of each round, players shake their dice in their dice cup, slam it down, keeping the dice concealed with the dice cup. Players carefully peek at their dice, making sure surrounding players cannot see their hand.

Select a player to open the round and make the first claim.  This player makes a claim or guess related to all the dice in the game. Continuing clockwise, the next player either challenges the last claim or accepts it and makes a higher claim. Play continues until there is a challenged claim.

Aces, (1's) are wild and can stand for any number. Each claim states the expected frequency of how often a specific number occurs on the dice that are in play, for instance "three 4's".

Claims are considered higher if the frequency remains the same and the specific number increases, for instance "four 4's" is higher than "four 3's", or if the frequency is increased with any specific number, for instance "five 3's" is higher than "four 5's". 

Claims on 1's are possible. Claims on 1's must be higher than half the stated frequency of the previous claim for a specific number. To determine what the minimum claim on 1's would be, players would need to do one of the following:

  • If the previous bid has an odd frequency, such as "five 4's, players would half the frequency and round up. So the minimum claim for "five 4's" would be "three 1's".
  • If the previous bid has an even frequency, such as "six 5's", players would half the frequency and add one. So the minimum claim for "six 5's" would be "four 1's"

Following a claim on 1's you can either claim more 1's or increase the frequency for any other number. In order to make a claim from 1's to any other number, players simply need to double the frequency of the previous 1's claim. For instance "four 1's" can be followed by a claim of "eight 3's".

When a player challenges a claim, all players flip their cups revealing their dice.  

  • If there are more corresponding dice than claimed, the challenger is incorrect and will lose dice equaling the difference between the claim and actual corresponding dice.
  • If there are fewer corresponding dice than claimed, the player who made the claim is incorrect and will lose dice equaling the difference between the actual corresponding dice and claim.
  • If the number of corresponding dice is exactly equal to the claim, all players, except the player who made the claim lose one die.

Once you lose all our dice, you are out of the game. Play continues until only one player remains.