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Catch The Pig

This is a drinking game. To play you need two dice and 6-8 players.

Catch the Pig


This is a drinking game.  Please play responsibly.

Goal: Roll a 1 as fast as you can and avoid being caught by the second die while trying to rolling.

Play: Game play is best for six to eight players and requires two dice. Players sit around a table. Two players sitting opposite each other receives one die.

The game begins with everyone shouting "Catch the Pig". Both players with the dice begin rolling their die simultaneously.  Once a player rolls a 1 they pass the die to their right. The next player begins rolling in hopes of obtaining a 1, and so on and so forth. 

The loser is determined when they are caught, trying to roll a 1, by the second die in play. The loser is required to drink.