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Buck Dice

Often played in bars to determine a loser who then buys the next round of drinks. Gameplay requires three dice and two or more players.

Buck Dice


Goal: Score exactly 15 points and avoid being the last player left. Loser traditionally has to buy the next round of drinks.

Play: Three dice and two or more players is required. Being the first player is an advantage so it is recommended that play turn is determined by rolling one die. The player with the highest roll goes first, second highest plays second and so on and soforth. 

Once play order is determined, one die is rolled to establish the buck number for the entire game.

Player begins by rolling all three dice.

  • If all three dice match the buck dice number, player is safely out of the game. This is known as a "Big Buck".
  • If a triplet of any number, other than the buck number is thrown , player receives five points. This is known as a "Little Buck".
  • If one or two dice match the buck number, player receives one or two points respectively. Player then rolls alls three dice again.
  • If you do not roll the buck number with any of the dice, a players turn is over. 

Keep a running total of each players score. When a player reaches exactly 15 points, they are safely out of the game. If a player produces a roll that takes them over 15 points, the roll is declared invalid and the player is required to re-roll. Play continues until only one player remains in the game. This player is the loser.