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Game requires six dice. Players roll dice and keep at least one die after each roll and reroll the rest. A 1 and 4 must be kept, the score from the other 4 dice are added, max score is 24.



Goal: With six dice, obtain a 1 and 4 and get the highest score possible with the other 4 dice, max score of 24.

Play: Six dice and two or more players is required. Being the first player is a disadvantage so it is recommended that the starting player is determined by the lowest roll.  Player starts and continues clockwise.

Player begins by rolling all six dice. After each roll the player is required to keep at least one die and re-roll the remaining. Once a dice is kept you can no longer roll it.  A turn ends when all dice have been held.

A player must keep a 1 and a 4 or else they are disqualified.  The remaining four dice are totaled, the maximum score for a turn is 24.

The winner is the player with the highest score.

Gambling & Bar Rules

Game play is the same as above.  Each round starts with everyone putting money into a pot, usually $1.

The player with the highest score wins the pot. There must be one distinct winner. If there is a tie between players a new pot is created between all players and a new game is started.  This continues until you have one distinct winner, that players collects the money from all pots.